What Is Christianity? All You Ever Wanted to Know About It

What Is Christianity? All You Ever Wanted to Know About It Christianity is a religion followed across the world. In fact, it has the highest number of global followers when compared to other religions. There are more than two billion people in the world who follow Christianity. The faith revolves around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was brought to practice by a small group of followers, but according to historians, the quick and widespread global adoption of this religion may be considered one of history’s most remarkable spiritual missions. Who was Jesus Christ? According to certain…

What Does the Bible Say About Suicide – A Look At Suicide Through The Eyes Of Bible

What Does the Bible Say About Suicide – A Look At Suicide Through The Eyes Of Bible In 2017 alone, an estimated 1.4 million suicide attempts were made out of which 47,173 American were successful, unfortunately. According to WHO, suicide leads to one death every 40 seconds. So, by the time you finish reading the previous statement, a life is lost to suicide. It is quite interesting to note that the act of taking one’s own life – suicide has a quite different connotation in today’s day and age than it used to be in the bygone era. Most will…

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce – The Bible’s Take on Divorce

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce – The Bible’s Take on Divorce The global divorce rate has shot up by a whopping 251.8% since 1960! In 2014 alone, 46.37% of marriages headed to the courtroom as per reports from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Are you wondering if religion plays a significant role to bring down the divorce rate? Well, findings from a survey held from 2000 to 2006 by the General Social Survey suggests that religious people have a lower divorce rate at 42% while those who are religiously unaffiliated have a higher rate of divorces…

Can Christians Get Tattoos? The Dilemma of Tattoos and Christianity: Debunked

The Dilemma of Tattoos and Christianity: Debunked In the early 19th century, Charles Darwin observed that every country practiced a unique style of adorning their skins. Strategic cuts, punctures and gashes were often embalmed with resins and pigments from plants and trees to leave behind embroidery of scar tissues on the skin. A century and a few decades later in the 20th century, tattoos stood as a sign of bravado mostly on the brawny bodies of pirates, convicts, and riders. Today, the modern interpretation of permanent inks can range from realistic and intricate portraits to dainty adornments. For those who…